Unified Modeling Language (UML)

logo umlOur Unified Modeling language (UML) courses are available for novice and advanced professionals. Our UML courses are delivered by an (OCUP) OMG Certified UML Professional, advanced level.

Sound design and readily accessible design documents are of extreme importance for evolving software products. Design documentation is not just paper, it is materialized understanding. Understanding which is sometimes not there to begin with, or that is lost when not written down. Writing software effectively is not a matter of trial and error, it requires professional discipline. You don’t gain time by messing about.

We offer the following basic courses:

If you want to enhance your skills with one of our advanced courses, we can offer:

  • Real-Time Software Architectures
  • Specification of Component Interfaces
  • API Design
  • Systems Modeling with SysML
  • OCRES (OMG Certified Real-Time & Embedded Specialist) Intermediate

Contact us > Book a UML course >



Mithun Training & Consulting B.V.
P.O. Box 898
3800 AW    Amersfoort
The Netherlands

+31 (0)33 - 457 0840

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