Application LifeCycle Management

This course introduces the concepts of Application Lifecycle Management, within the context of your engineering practices. We aim to give you the instruments to define the ALM process that suits your organization best. The result will be a traceable end-to-end project information setup, to enable governance and manage compliance to applicable quality standards.

ALM is all about traceability and accountability providing an integrated set of project documentation, covering the voyage from requirements through design and implementation to the tests and test results, incorporating any changes that occurred and quality aspects such as risk management.

Who will benefit from this course?

  • Process Engineers
  • QA Management
  • Software Engineers
  • Systems Engineers


A solid understanding of software and systems engineering practices.

Course Contents:

This course consists of two blocks of one day. The course is structured as an interactive workshop, where participants work with the instructor to gain a thorough understanding of ALM:

  1. Introduction
  2. ALM Concepts
  3. The ALM Processes
    1. Discussion of your current process
    2. Generic ALM processes for software and multi-disciplinary engineering
    3. ALM and MBSE
    4. ALM and Agile
    5. ADLM and DevOps
  4. Phases of ALM
  5. Reporting
  6. Traceability
    1. What is traceability
    2. Why is traceability necessary
    3. Traceability types give meaning
  7. Creating your ALM Data Model for deployment
    1. How to identify the various data elements used in your engineering process
    2. What additional information is required
    3. What TraceLinks exist between your work items
    4. Business rules behind your work items
    5. Validation process of your work items
  8. ALM Tools
    1. How to classify the various tools
    2. What functionalities should ALM tools possess?
    3. An example with Polarion ALM
  9. Conclusions 

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Mithun Training & Consulting B.V.
P.O. Box 898
3800 AW    Amersfoort
The Netherlands

+31 (0)33 - 457 0840

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